Friday, November 27, 2009

Obama names Gutmann to chair bioethics panel

Genetic Engineering and Bioengineering News reports:

President Barack Obama has created a new Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues and appointed Amy Gutmann, president of the University of Pennsylvania, to serve as chair and James W. Wagner, president of Emory University, to serve as vice chair. The committee will ultimately be composed of 13 members, it is unclear when the other 11 will be named.

See also

IPBiz post:
Bioethics: What would the Founders Say?


Shaub's Bioethics: What Would the Founders Say?

**On ethics, from a review of the book The Lost Art of Gratitude:

Isabel receives a letter from the previous editor of the “Review of Applied Ethics,” Dr. Christopher Dove, in which he accuses her of aiding and abetting plagiarism in an article published under her guidance.

While Isabel investigates source documents for the allegedly plagiarized article, she finds that the doctor is also guilty of that offence.

She plans to acknowledge her mistake in the next issue of the magazine, but is rebuffed by an associate of Dr. Dove who asks her to step down as editor.

Isabel reveals Dr. Dove’s plagiarism to the associate and strengthens her counter-attack by offering him her recommendation for editorship of a prestigious publication.


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