Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Colorado Supreme Court justice victim of plagiarism

Parts of Scott McInnis' "Musings On Water," prepared for the Hasan Family Foundation about the history of Colorado water rights were identical to a 1984 article written by current Colorado Supreme Court Gregory Hobbs.

All of the common issues arise. McInnis blamed an assistant. The Hasans are not happy to have paid $300K for plagiarized work.

McInnis is in a primary and his opponent noted: "You can't point fingers, you can't blame others, you have to take responsibility for something you put your name on and take $300,000 for."

Geee, Poshard put Poshard's name on his Ph.D. thesis.

*** Vicky Collins at Huffington Post seems to have forgotten about Poshard and Biden and other plagiarists:

When asked by Adam Schrager of 9News about the controversy, [McInnis] said unapologetically, "voters don't really care about this issue. They care about jobs, getting back to work."

Hello? Are you kidding me? Of course we care about jobs, but we also want our politicians to be honorable. Hearing our politicians lie and cheat is usually something that comes out after they are elected to office. Why would we put this guy in the state house when he already has this kind of baggage and bad judgement.

Biden's plagiarism at Syracuse Law School got zero traction in the election. Poshard did lose in the governor's race, but still is president of SIU.

**Also Web opened wider world of theft of ideas


from McInnis not the first leader to plagiarize on 7 August 2010:

The opening paragraph of the September 17, 1987, edition of the New York Times says: "Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., fighting to salvage his presidential campaign, today acknowledged 'a mistake' in his youth, when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school."


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